Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Coming Soon....all new Aachoo Voo Private Eye Blog ❤️🤡👍🌹🤣


Readers and Fans....The other blogs I made for Aachoo Voo are unfixable!!!  I don't know what happened there. Just letting you know that I will be bringing that story, the characters and all the fun to this blog, as soon as I can find a workable theme and format.  They don't make it easy. sigh  The old blogs are still available but you might find them hard to navigate. I will not delete them until this new project is complete.

Thank you for your patience and encouragement.  

Voo Shining Stone❤️💋 


  1. Replies
    1. So glad to hear it! I was suddenly inspired after posting the blog page by Jack Knife James. I wish I could do what he does.
